Discovery the answers within yourself to become a higher version of yourself.

Do you feel like your life is completely off the track? Blocked? Your relationship doesn’t work out? This is the way the Universe try to get your attention and alerting you to look in within and start your process.

When you open yourself up to Reiki, you open up every possibility that exists in the Universe.

The world is full of energy and non-human beings. Many people have ancestral and past life agreements to do things we don’t know or understand in this lifetime, or blocks stopping us from accessing our gifts and innate power or reaching our goals.

Feel brighter and lighter after session

About True Self Voyage

A Comprehensive Directory For Your Spirtual Health

The safe, supportive environment that owner/founder Maya Tran creates. Here at True Self Voyage, She share our knowledge, healing tools to help you connect with your soul, boost your healing process and be the light for yourself and others. Her calling is to assist others to have more compassion to self and others, to live more and worry less. 

Maya Tran is a certified Reiki Master. She is a professional member of the Reiki Membership Association through the International Center for Reiki Training.

Find her on Youtube at “ True Self Voyage” to find the tools you need to build your boat and start paddling on your true self voyage.

What We Offer

Maya provides all services remotely

She offers highly effective Holy Fire III Reiki energy via distance.

Details Services & About Reiki

Details Services & About Reiki

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that utilizes universal life force energy to enhance

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Featured Product

True Self Voyage - Win Strategy

Receiving spiritual guidance can help you rediscover the preciousness of life on Earth by realizing and honoring your true spiritual nature.

  • Discovering your soul purpose and mission in life
  • Deepening your spiritual practices
  • Discovering the spiritual messages in dreams
  • Becoming more aware of the spiritual world as it exists in everyday life.

45 minute distanced energy healing session works with subtle energy beyond the five main senses of perception that can have positive impact on your life, health and physical body.

(+123) 456 7890

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Maya truly believes every one of us has potential to heal our life.

She shares her knowledge, tips and advice after each session that’s tailor made for your own well-being. Her hope is that after each session you would be able to have a new perspective and practical exercises to start cruising on your true self voyage. Ideally one day, you would no longer need her assistance. Namaste.

What Clients are Saying

Take Words From Our Customers

I love going to get Reiki from Maya. It reduces my stress levels and keeps me balanced between work and life. More often, I would receive intuitive messages that a were validating to me. These have helped me making choices that align for my highest good.


I was going through a bad break up, my heart was broken. I couldn’t get over it. I felt much better after just 2 sessions with her. She shared great tips how to manifest love into life in general. I met my girlfriend now after my 5th session. My girlfriend is exactly what I was trying to manifest.


I love her feminine energy. I feel great after every session. Numerous things in my life have started working out for me more naturally since I started getting Reiki from her. I can’t explain how she does it, I just know I’m much happier now.

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